Self-repair of our organism


Cell signaling can be defined as the fundamental electrochemical process that governs all the functions of our body, as well as its energy state. In other words, it regulates the processes that allow us to live and work productively.

All our cells depend on being intimately connected to each other to carry out their functions. From the digestive processes to obtain energy from food, to the cognitive processes to think and make decisions. All these functions are carried out thanks to cell signaling.

Likewise, the muscular processes to move, as well as the autoimmune defense processes that keep us protected against invading pathogens. All these functions depend on the correct production and sending of electrochemical signals throughout our body.

For this reason, when this signaling fails, our health also fails and the body enters a chronic process where it proves incapable of solving the problem it faces..

Why does cell signaling fail?

To understand this problem, it is first necessary to understand the functioning of this signal sending and receiving system. Which depends on a dynamic balance where cells emit and receive information through electrically charged electrochemical signaling molecules that remain in perpetual motion. For this signal sending and sending process to work correctly, it is necessary to maintain a state of electrical tension in the cellular environment. This electrical tension, also called voltage, will be responsible for pushing the electrochemical charges in and out of the cell membranes so that they reach their target and trigger the chemical reactions necessary to carry out the processes that regulate all our functions. Including those that repair and regenerate damaged tissues.

This delicate dynamic balance consists of thousands of chemical reactions that are easily altered by the presence of viruses and pathogenic bacteria, as well as toxic elements in the environment and situations of oxidative stress in daily life. For this reason, our body constantly gets sick, eventually losing the ability to regulate the appropriate electrical tension to reestablish cellular communication.

By correcting the electrical tension in the body, we automatically activate its own cellular regeneration and defense mechanisms

Thanks to our technology, we can now provide the electrochemical energy necessary for optimal functioning of all our cellular systems. Resulting in the permanent corrective process of any chronic condition. Regardless of whether its origin is nervous, autoimmune, metabolic, infectious or other.

It is a process that requires weeks and even months of using the molecular electro tensor. But it guarantees beyond any doubt the restoration of optimal cellular function to permanently resolve the condition. Years of research, analysis and treatment of patients with various conditions support our claims.

The molecular electrotensor

This is the name we have given to our system, which is composed of an electronic set of signal emitters, voltage amplifiers and transducers to create a means of rectification and restoration of electrochemical tension in the body.

Below we name some of the features of our system, which has been successfully tested for over ten years and which represents today the only technology in the world capable of correcting the cellular signaling process in the body.


100% Non-invasive

Electrostatic system of magnetic contact with the skin. It does not generate any type of electric shock. It acts only on the molecular bonds of our cells.

Compatible with medications

Our system does not create conflict with the medications prescribed by the doctor, but rather enhances their healing action in the body.

Easy programming

It requires three simple steps to program the treatment parameters. The system does not emit noise and consumes minimal electricity.

Proven effectiveness over the years

More than a decade of use in patients with all types of chronic conditions supports the effectiveness of our technology.

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Get professional assistance

At Holon Magnetics we have been treating and analyzing chronic health problems for over 15 years with the assistance of medical professionals and other research fields such as biochemistry and physics.

Gain knowledge

Benefit from the knowledge acquired over 15 years of experience, assisting in all types of cases where conventional medicine has failed and we have been able to find the solution through the use of our technology.

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