Our Technologie
Unlike all other technologies on the market, which only emit radiofrequency pulses, at Holon Magnetics we were able to solve the problem of cellular voltage loss. To do this, it was necessary to develop a transducer with two specific purposes:
First: to emit an electrostatic field throughout the body to align the electric dipole moment of all the cell signaling molecules. So that they gain potential energy and are able to travel with enough force to reach their objectives.
Second: to create an anchor point for the redirection of the flow of electric energy at will, creating a gradient between two points where the transducers are placed. In this way, our system performs three specific functions: it makes the flow of electrochemical signaling more efficient, corrects its direction, and finally establishes the appropriate rate of propagation towards the areas where it was previously interrupted.
For this reason, our system is unique in the world and represents a technological revolution. This level of electrochemical control in the body has never been achieved before. It has never been observed before. By correcting the flow of cellular signaling, our body is able to reverse any chronic condition. We experience this fact daily when we observe patients who recover from their illnesses, having suffered from them for more than a decade in some cases.
Below we present a brief explanation of some of the hundreds of molecular biology mechanisms where our system takes effect.

This image depicts the process of ATP or adenosine triphosphate synthesis in the mitochondrial membrane. This process is also known as oxidative phosphorylation, which is essential for providing energy to the body.
This process depends on the formation of an electrochemical gradient regulated by an electric field. This is where the Holon Magnetics transducer performs its function. It is to intensify this electric field that pushes electrochemical charges across the mitochondrial membranes. It provides enormous amounts of additional energy to the ATP synthase pump to do its job.
Thanks to this additional energy, our body begins to reestablish its cellular communication. And with this action it begins to identify problems throughout the cellular systems. In order to then use its resources to solve them.
Effect at neuronal level

The same occurs in the process of generating neural signals regulated by the sodium-potassium gradient. The electric field generated and redirected by Holon Magnetics transducers intensifies neuronal function, re-enabling communication between the nervous system and all other body systems.
This action results in an intensified immune response to regenerate cells, in addition to attacking any invading microorganisms. It also intensifies the absorption of medications and nutritional supplements, since these electrochemical signals travel intact in an environment that is full of potential energy.

Do you need more information?
Contact us to receive detailed articles on how our technology works, its mathematical and physical foundations, as well as the biochemical response.
Our office
5707 Greenbush Ave. Sherman Oaks, CA 91401
mca6019@gmail.com ph 323 528 9640

English spoken